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Build Enterprise AI playground & test drive AI use cases in 10 weeks

The world is transitioning from Narrow AI to General AI/AGI Era

AGI has transformative potential for your industry/domain & the way career/work will shape in future.

Working with Kloudstac will help you accelerate your General AI adoption journey

A Typical 10-week AI Acceleration Engagement

Week 1

AI Awareness/Upskilling Workshop

8-40 hrs of interactive & hands-on immersion into the fascinating world of LLMs and LLM powered technical & business use cases/ apps 

Cover the Journey from intent to real customer use in production, with us.

Week 2

AI Use Case Discovery Workshop

Consultative & ideation sessions with Business/ Tech for identifying use cases where AI can create high impact wrt solving business problems/ value realization.

Week 3-4

AI Use case Pilot Scoping & Proposal

Finalizing use cases for pilot implementation, scoping & execution proposal. 

Week 5 to 9 

Pilot Design and Implementation

Designing, developing & deploying use cases that will be tested via limited pilot and creation of AI playground for business/ tech for exploration. 

Week 9-10

Proof-of-Value Discovery & Business casing for big-bang Implementation

Based on end user testing & usage of pilot use case(s), value realization is measured and business case for productionizing is established.

For more details on how Kloudstac can elevate your business with our services, reach out to us today.

Our Customers

Kloudstac’s B2B customer base includes top 15 Edtech companies and various corporates, apart from B2C customer base of students and working professionals across US, India, UAE, Australia.  

Our Partners

Kloudstac has partnered with innovative tech companies based in Silicon Valley, apart from being part of the startup programs of Bigtech cloud players- Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, NVIDIA. We are also a services partner of Databricks and a Sales partner of Google.
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