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Upskill / Retain your workforce on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Our Upskilling Approach


Live hands-on training

Practice Assignments and Self-Paced AI Labs

Scoring and Measuring Skill Augmentation

Our AI Acceleration Approach


AI Acceleration Workshop

AI Upskilling/Use case deepdiving workshops covering topics from the basics to the advanced, as the first step towards Implementation.


Use Case Discovery

Use Case Discovery workshops by dept/process/stakeholder category for finalizing use cases for pilot.


Pilot Development

Detailing functional & technical design of finalized use case(s) and implementing for limited use/ AI playground


Implement & Rollout in production

Measure value realization, extend for productionizing for larger set of customers/ internal users

Why Kloudstac?


Hyperspecialized on AI/GenAI

Kloudstac founders and AI engineers/ researchers are deep focussed on building business and technical use cases, labs/ demo solutions, experiment with newer LLMs, AI Cloud services & other AI technologies and creating the best and deepest upskilling content for professionals. The founders come with 16 yrs of combined AI experience. and our engineers are from top academic institutions like the IITs. We pride in having a deep-tech and deep-domain culture/ approach.

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 Widest and Deepest GenAI Programs

Kloudstac offers 30 GenAI programs for business & technology professionals across 10+ major professional personas. We have the most extensive set of GenAI Demos and labs on the latest LLMs & AI-Cloud services. We offer our programs across AWS, GCP, Azure, Databricks, Snowflake and NVIDIA.


Proven Delivery Track Record

Kloudstac team has delivered over 100 batches across upskilling program, to Fortune 2000 enterprises since inception .

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We are helping some of the leading Fortune 2000 enterprises in improving AI Adoption via:


Delivering use case detailing workshops


Building and Implementing Business Use Cases


Addressing Enterprise Security, Governance and Risk Management Around AI Adoption.

For B2B Program enquiries, reach out to us by filling the contact form.

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